Friday, August 04, 2006


you know , we all go through a some real bad days, some worse than others, but we come to a point where every thing has a turning point. For the good. Well I guess. I will just get right to it. I am Marketing Director & a down to earth kind of guy, as some Anywho, on Aug 2, of 2006 , I got a call from my girl friend asking to have lunch with her & some of her girlfriends, I said sure, why not, so I got in my car & drove to her location. Nice day middle of the week, weekend coming up, maybe we go down to the beach. Then........... out of no where, I turn to make a left turn & my car gets the worse beating of her life,.. I will take it back a few. As I try to make a left turn on a Green Arrow, some other guy runs a red light and smashes right into me. to make a long story short, Guy is saying that he had a green light, and now claiming he is injured. Okay guy, you had your fun, now fess up and just admit you had a red light. least you could of done was slow down or the little things under your steering wheel called the break peddle,, USE IT!!! I am already in the middle of the intersection when this older man comes and smashes right into me. I am ok, my car, well forget about putting her on craigslist and selling her. If anyone was there as a witness help me out. This happened in Alameda , on Doolittle & Harbor Bay.

Help me out fellow bloggers....

~ jimi greeko


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