Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Body Like a Greek god

Most men would like to have the proverbial body of a Greek god, but don't know where to begin. Fortunately, my ancestors left us some pointers.

The first thing to note is that the Greek god body is not the same as a Mr. Universe-type bodybuilding physique. If you look at classical statues in museums, you'll see that an athletic Greek god looked more like a boxer or a swimmer. The quality of the muscles is much more important than quantity.

To get a body like that, you first need the correct training program. A generic "fitness" or health club routine won't work. Having the right program is more important than all the fitness equipment and enthusiasm in the world. And despite what you hear, hard work is definitely not the secret to getting a body like a Greek god. There are plenty of people in gyms everywhere who train hard, but who never get the Greek god body, and even having a personal trainer standing over them for "motivation" is no guarantee of anything.

The reason they don't succeed is not because they're doing the exercises incorrectly; it's because they're following the wrong program. Learning to do exercises is the easy part. The real secret to getting a body like a Greek god is what you do with these exercises, and how you combine these into a carefully structured system.

To get a Greek god body, you need to go about your training as an artist would carve a statue. That means your program should be broken into very specific phases. In the first phase, you should start carving out a V-shaped torso with special exercises to burn fat and build muscle. In the second phase, you should use targeted exercises to add size and shape strategically while paring away unwanted body fat. And finally, you should put the finishing touches on your physique by incorporating exercises for maximum definition.

Having the perfect musculature is only the start of getting a body like a Greek god. You should also look after the rest of your appearance, and that includes your skin, face and hair.

Unfortunately, we've been sold a lot of macho ideas over the years, as well as the mistaken notion that somehow "men age better than women." That's rubbish though, and the truth is that men need to take as much care as women, if not more. Trust me, using moisturiser or hair conditioner won't make you stop being a "real man."

We could really benefit from following the example of the ancient Greeks. As we learned in school, they were a tough race of warriors, who had conquered much of the known world at one time. But despite that, they didn't succumb to all this macho nonsense. Sure, strength and fitness were admired in their culture. But more than this, the ancient Greeks elevated the development of the human body to an art form. The classical athlete aspired to have a body like a Greek god, and he wasn't embarrassed that beauty was a part of it.

This aesthetic mindset is why the phrase "a body like a Greek god" is something that's still deeply embedded in our language. Even someone who's never seen a piece of classical art will know exactly what this analogy means. Creating a Greek god body is a big investment. It takes work and dedication. But like all great art, the results are priceless.


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