Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Foods to Help Shrink Belly Fat - Tips & Note of the Day

Foods to Help Shrink Belly Fat - Tips & Note of the Day, for those who are being trained by me...
by Jimi Greeko on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 9:06am

First Off,, Great Work-out night! I am very impressed by all your energey. Great Job on pushing those extra reps/sets.

Please keep in mind, with every great work-out comes great eating habits. Keep a great work-out & an awesome eating habit.

Tips & Note of the Day
Abdominal fat is often hard to eliminate even with exercise. The truly bad part of this is that the visceral fat that covers the abdomen puts our health in danger more than other kinds of fat on the body. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even breast cancer are just a few of the conditions that can stem from excessive belly fat. A healthy diet with fat-burning foods, not just a low-fat diet, is necessary to shrink belly fat and keep it off. Fiber Foods such as oatmeal and beans are high in fiber, which can help shrink belly fat in a number of ways. First, they make you feel full quicker than low-fiber foods and require longer digestion times to keep you satisfied.

Soluble fibers can also help remove toxins from the body. Hormonal imbalances, which can contribute to belly fat storage, can be alleviated with insoluble fiber foods such as whole grains and seeds that can bind excess estrogen for excretion.

Protein is much like fiber in that it can prolong satiation. This is because protein requires more calories for digestion than fruits and vegetables. Eggs are a great source of protein and also contain B12, which is essential to break down fat cells.

Beans are also good for providing protein and are a double whammy, since they are also loaded with fiber. Just watch the kinds of beans you eat since refried beans are high in saturated fat, and baked beans can be full of sugar.

Foods such as papaya and pineapple are full of enzymes that can help break down proteins for better digestion. Foods that contain enzymes, such as raw fruits and vegetables, give the liver and pancreas the opportunity to excrete more toxins, as well as turn fat stored in the belly into fuel for the body.

Healthy Fats
Eating fatty food isn't always the dirty culprit behind belly fat. It all depends on the kinds of fat consumed. Monounsaturated fats can actually boost metabolism and target belly fat for energy. Foods high in these healthy fats include olive oil and avocados.

Olive oil in particular not only helps you burn fat, but also keeps cholesterol levels regulated. Also look for foods like almonds, which are not only high in monounsaturated fats, but also provide a good amount of protein for a synergistic fat-burning effect. These will also help curb hunger pangs.

Have Fun & Good Health....
spartan physique


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